Attention!!! We don't ship drugs to the United States! Prescription required for United States.

シアリス 効果 時間

  • Aricept

    Aricept アリセプト


    Aricept treats dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease via preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, the substance associated with the processes of thinking and memory.

    10mg 5mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Keflex

    Keflex ケフレックス


    Keflex is a cephalosporin antibiotic used in treatment of respiratory infections and ear infections.

    250mg 500mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Cialis Soft

    Cialis Soft ソフトシアリス


    Cialis Softは勃起を改善し成功した性交を達成することができます。

    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Priligy

    Priligy ダポキセチン



    30mg 60mg 90mg
    180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Seroquel

    Seroquel セロクエル


    Seroquel is an oral antipsychotic drug to treat major depressive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    100mg 200mg 25mg 300mg 50mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Wellbutrin

    Wellbutrin ブプロピオン


    Wellbutrin is an antidepressant from aminoketone class prescribed to relieve major depression.

    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Viagra Soft

    Viagra Soft ソフトばいあぐら

    (Sildenafil Citrate)


    100mg 50mg
    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Levaquin

    Levaquin レボフロキサシン


    Levaquin is antibiotic to treat severe or life-threatening bronchitis, pneumonia, chlamydia, gonorrhea and skin infections.

    250mg 500mg 750mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Brand Levitra

    Brand Levitra ブランドれびとら


    Brand Levitra拡幅とペニスに血液を運ぶ血管の弛緩を引き起こす。

    ¥1 017.42
    92,60,48,36,24, 丸
  • Lamisil

    Lamisil テルビナフィン


    Lamisil is an anti-fungal antibiotic which used to treat tinea versicolor or other infections.

    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Viagra Professional

    Viagra Professional 専門家ばいあぐら

    (Sildenafil Citrate)

    バイアグラ・プロフェッショナルは、さらに強い処方薬です。 通常のバイアグラより効き目が早く、効果がより持続します。

    180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Claritin

    Claritin クラリチン


    Claritin is used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies, such as sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose and itching of the nose and throat.

    270,180,120,90,60,30, 丸