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脊髄小脳変性症 バクロフェン

  • Baclofen

    Baclofen バクロフェン


    Baclofen is used for treating spasm of skeletal muscles, muscle clonus, cramping of muscles, rigidity, spinal cord injury and pain caused by disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

    10mg 25mg
    90,60,30, 丸
  • Cialis Soft

    Cialis Soft ソフトシアリス


    Cialis Softは勃起を改善し成功した性交を達成することができます。

    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Flagyl

    Flagyl フラジール



    200mg 400mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Wellbutrin

    Wellbutrin ブプロピオン


    Wellbutrin is an antidepressant from aminoketone class prescribed to relieve major depression.

    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Erythromycin

    Erythromycin エリスロマイシン


    Erythromycin is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria.

    250mg 500mg
    90,60,30, 丸
  • Viagra Professional

    Viagra Professional 専門家ばいあぐら

    (Sildenafil Citrate)

    バイアグラ・プロフェッショナルは、さらに強い処方薬です。 通常のバイアグラより効き目が早く、効果がより持続します。

    180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Synthroid

    Synthroid レボチロキシン


    Synthroid contains substance identical to the thyroid gland hormone and is used to treat hypothyroidism and obesity.

    100mcg 200mcg 25mcg 50mcg
    200,100, 丸
  • Lasix

    Lasix ラシックス



    100mg 40mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Aricept

    Aricept アリセプト


    Aricept treats dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease via preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, the substance associated with the processes of thinking and memory.

    10mg 5mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Lamisil

    Lamisil テルビナフィン


    Lamisil is an anti-fungal antibiotic which used to treat tinea versicolor or other infections.

    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Cialis

    Cialis シアリス



    10mg 20mg 40mg 60mg
    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Revatio

    Revatio レバティオ

    (Sildenafil Citrate)

    Revatio works by relaxing blood vessels and improves blood flow in the penis causing erection.

    120,90,60,30, 丸