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シアリス 36

  • Tegretol

    Tegretol テグレトール


    Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant used in the treatment of simple and complex partial seizures. It is used as a mood stabilizing in treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder and nerve pain ...

    100mg 200mg 400mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Neoral

    Neoral シクロスポリン


    Cyclosporine is used to prevent organ rejection after a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.

    100mg 25mg
    60,30,20, 丸
  • Premarin

    Premarin プレマリン

    (Conjugated Estrogens)

    Premarin is is a mixture of estrogen hormones used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irritation and dryness, to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

    168,112,84,56,28, 丸
  • Brand Cialis

    Brand Cialis ブランドシアリス


    Brand Cialis勃起を改善し成功した性交を達成することができます。

    92,60,48,36,24, 丸
  • Cialis Soft

    Cialis Soft ソフトシアリス


    Cialis Softは勃起を改善し成功した性交を達成することができます。

    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Tadacip

    Tadacip タダラフィル


    Tadacip enables a man's penis to fill with enough blood to cause an erection.

    180,120,92,60,32,20, 丸
  • Proscar

    Proscar プロスカー


    Proscar (Finasteride) is used to treat Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Levaquin

    Levaquin レボフロキサシン


    Levaquin is antibiotic to treat severe or life-threatening bronchitis, pneumonia, chlamydia, gonorrhea and skin infections.

    250mg 500mg 750mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Tofranil

    Tofranil トフラニール


    Tofranil is a tricyclic antidepressant to treat bed-wetting or attention deficit disorder in children, and also bulimia.

    25mg 50mg 75mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Viagra

    Viagra ばいあぐら

    (Sildenafil Citrate)


    100mg 120mg 130mg 150mg 200mg 25mg 50mg
    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Clomid

    Clomid クロミッド



    100mg 25mg 50mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Vibramycin

    Vibramycin ドキシサイクリン


    Vibramycin is a tetracycline antibiotic to treat periodontitis, acne, fight with gonorrhea, and chlamydia.

    240,180,120,90,60,30, 丸