Attention!!! We don't ship drugs to the United States! Prescription required for United States.

シアリス ドラッグ

  • Biaxin

    Biaxin クラリスロマイシン


    Biaxin is a macrolide antibiotic for treatment of skin and respiratory infections.

    250mg 500mg
    120,92,60,32,28, 丸
  • Baclofen

    Baclofen バクロフェン


    Baclofen is used for treating spasm of skeletal muscles, muscle clonus, cramping of muscles, rigidity, spinal cord injury and pain caused by disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

    10mg 25mg
    90,60,30, 丸
  • Lamisil

    Lamisil テルビナフィン


    Lamisil is an anti-fungal antibiotic which used to treat tinea versicolor or other infections.

    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Nolvadex

    Nolvadex ノルバデックス



    10mg 20mg
    270,180,120,90,60,30,20, 丸
  • Cipro

    Cipro シプロ


    Cipro is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used to treat urinary tract infections (acute uncomplicated cystitis, pyelonephritis, and chronic bacterial prostatitis).

    1000mg 250mg 500mg 750mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Premarin

    Premarin プレマリン

    (Conjugated Estrogens)

    Premarin is is a mixture of estrogen hormones used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irritation and dryness, to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

    168,112,84,56,28, 丸
  • Brand Levitra

    Brand Levitra ブランドれびとら


    Brand Levitra拡幅とペニスに血液を運ぶ血管の弛緩を引き起こす。

    ¥1 017.42
    92,60,48,36,24, 丸
  • Female Viagra

    Female Viagra 女性ばいあぐら

    (Sildenafil Citrate)


    240,180,120,92,60,32,20, 丸
  • Propecia

    Propecia プロペシア



    1mg 5mg
    120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Norvasc

    Norvasc ノルバスク


    Norvasc is a calcium channel blocker prescribed to treat hypertension, ischemic heart disease, angina.

    10mg 2,5mg 5mg
    180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Vibramycin

    Vibramycin ドキシサイクリン


    Vibramycin is a tetracycline antibiotic to treat periodontitis, acne, fight with gonorrhea, and chlamydia.

    240,180,120,90,60,30, 丸
  • Erythromycin

    Erythromycin エリスロマイシン


    Erythromycin is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria.

    250mg 500mg
    90,60,30, 丸